Brand Strategy

There’s a lot of unnecessary mystique and indeed snake oil around what a Brand Strategy actually is. There’s also a load of different definitions to, but in my mind it boils down to this simple plan.

Take your brand from where it is, to where you want it to be.

It’s a perpetual plan that manages all aspects of your brand to achieve your goals. 

Branding is different from Marketing. A Brand PULLS clients towards you in a natural way. That is, 

  1. They have some form of interaction with your brand

  2. They like what they see, hear or feel

  3. They feel compelled to find out more.

Marketing is a PUSH. It’s less natural and more orchestrated.

  1. Your printed flyer, advert or sign has a distinctive offer

  2. The customer is intrigued by that offer

  3. They feel compelled to buy.

While the Marketing will produce a sale, it’s the Brand that will make the customer return or recommend you to friends.Marketing can be short term, but Branding is geared for long term exposure and that is why it has more power.

Part of Brand Strategy is examining your client base, understanding their wants and needs and positioning your brand as a solution to that problem.  Another part is creating a strong visual identity that will differentiate you from your competitors and attract your chosen customers. But it’s also about designing a marketing framework, working on a customer experience that promotes word-of-mouth spread, informing your customers about what you actually stand for and a dozen more things beside. 

On meeting we’ll discuss a comprehensive strategy but in a nutshell a strategy will include.

  • Evaluating yours (and your competitors) strengths and weaknesses

  • Producing a brand purpose, mission statement or ethos - nailing down just what it is that you stand for.

  • Evaluating your visual identity - does it fit? Is it right? Does it convey what you do and what you stand for?

  • Sort out your brand messaging

  • Manage the bugger from start to finish!

Whether you’re a start-up, rebranding or want to make some fundamental changes to your company talk to us about your brand strategy today.

(The best way to get a realistic price based on individual wants, needs and requirements is to book a call with Rich. This is free and non-committal.)

Get in touch.

Launching a business, rebranding an existing one.
It’s all good.

Let’s have a chat (online or IRL) and see if we can figure this bugger out.

T: 07581 184195

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