Brand and Design Consultancy Services

When you run a business - as a sole director or half of a partnership there are still huge challenges, and whether we care to admit it or not, often we just can’t see the ‘wood for the trees’.

Having a third party challenge, see gaps, holes or the bigger picture for your firm will give you a valuable insight into how your firm can improve.

You want someone in your corner, but you don’t want a ‘Yes Man’ - and that’s where Rich can come in. 

With over 20 years experience leading in building brand strategy and strong sense of design as well as marketing he knows a lot (but not everything!) about how to take your brand from where it is, to where you want it to be.

Rich believes that a strong brand is one of the most vital factors in any organisation and through careful analysis and a deep immersion in your company he’ll figure out what makes your brand tick, and where it can be improved.

Your in-house brand specialist

Having a full-time brand manager can be prohibitively expensive but having Rich come into your workplace for a set period of time or on a set number of days per month is a worthwhile investment.

It’s vital that you see a return on the investment so Rich will push you to set targets and goals - he can open the door, but you need to step through it.

The brand consultancy service will

  • Improve your customer satisfaction

  • Help you achieve targets

  • Pass on the information to your staff so they can implement it.

  • And be an investment that you’ll be able to see a return on.

Rich will be honest about what your brand has achieved and what it can achieve, how it can improve and why it should improve.

Passionate Branding

Branding isn’t about the logo and colour. It’s essentially the life-blood of your organisation. It should run through everything you do, from the moment someone makes an email enquiry, to the delivery of the product they’ve bought - and it doesn’t stop there.

Yes, having a good visual identity is a start, but we need to introduce elements to your business that will give an emotional kick to your clients - literally demanding they pay attention to your firm.

Building a strong brand together will mean those always awesome referrals increase and generate even more business for your firm.

And  Rich will pass on this information to you and your staff. There’s no smoke and mirrors - it’s simply do this and you’ll have a result. Happy days.

What you’ll need 

From the out-set we’ll be honest- this needs your commitment, your time and your attention. You and your business need to be prepared to make changes. They may be minor - but they could be revolutionary and you need to prepare yourself that some changes may be a first glance uncomfortable.

As Obi-Wan Kenobi said - “there’s no such thing as luck” but there are opportunities and backed up with hard work, persistence and doggedly pursuing the things that have an impact on your customers you can make fundamental changes.

When you started your business you didn’t do it to just be average or scrape by did you? For many of us, we didn’t even do it for the money, we did it because it made us jump out of bed excited for the new day, it gave us a buzz to deliver something that changed people’s lives (often in the tiniest of ways) and make a few quid doing it.

If that passion has waned or even evaporated then we’ll reignite it - like Dear Deidre with a flame thrower.

Rich is not for everyone and that’s fine, but if it seems like he’s for you - get in touch below.
Please contact us to start a conversation about solving or improving your companies situation.


Whether you’re a start-up, an established company or even a designer yourself looking for a sounding board to bounce ideas around with we tailor sessions to figure out what your blocks are and get back on an even keel (see - trawler reference there!)

Please contact us to enquire

Get in touch.

Launching a business, rebranding an existing one.
It’s all good.

Let’s have a chat (online or IRL) and see if we can figure this bugger out.

T: 07581 184195

Or, if you just want to stalk us in a non-psycho way fill in the field below and we’ll add you to our non-rubbish email list.