Doris Jones

We’ve recently worked with care company Doris Jones to create this gently beautiful brand film to showcase the important work they do to help our loved ones. Reserved, humble and heart-warming this film captures the essence of Doris Jones and the lovely people that work there.

Often delayed due to the pandemic we finally managed to shoot this beautiful brand film in the summer. Where possible we filmed outside in the warm sunshine to emphasise the restorative effects of light. Letting the light in to someone’s life, by simply opening the curtains, taking a walk to the park or just offering an ear to listen to stories are all beneficial to those who want care, but neither want or in many cases need to leave their home.

What People Are Saying


““Bloody wonderful. We all began to fill up!
You’ve done a really excellent job and completely “got” Doris.””

— Austin Heraty, Director, Doris Jones


Be Both