Visit Southend Advert

In line with the new place brand for Southend, we were commissioned to produce a new advert for Visit Southend.

We had two criteria - all cast and crew had to be local - to ensure authenticity and give us locals a voice on how the advert should look and secondly we wanted all our couples to know each other. This way we had natural chemistry and rapport between them which gave the whole thing a real warmth.

We needed the ad show Southend off in a glamorous fashion. While that may make a few people titter, we know the town and all the picturesque spots and when the light is at its best. Whether it’s late evening in Old Leigh, 4:37pm on Thorpe Bay beach or 9:43pm on ‘The Golden Mile’ as all the lights come on and you fire a drone down the strip.

We shot Southend with an edge, but also realistically and not try and make it look like Miami by using close-ups of palm trees.

We bought in stylist Joey Bevan to work wonders with the wardrobe and props and erstwhile make-up support from Mary O’Connell had the cast looking fabulous yet natural.

Four days with the cast and a few evenings and early mornings for cutaways gave us a wealth of content. Local musicians from bands Asylums and Indian Queens worked on the original score to add to the sense of energy.

And it works. Beautifully.

What People Are Saying

“We LOVE it!”

— Alison Dewey, Head of Culture and Tourism Strategy, Southend Borough Council


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