Opinion: The Difference between Branding & Marketing.

There are a whole wealth of different definitions of what Branding and Marketing are, but we’ve put this 60 second comparison to give some clarity to what can often be seen as very confusing. To me, Branding and Marketing is similar to working out. To achieve the best results you need to exercise muscles using both Push and Pull techniques.

BRANDING utilises a PULL.

Pulling clients in a natural way towards your company.  It’s what makes your company special and unique.

  • Elements of branding

  • Your Logo and Visual Identity

  • The way staff answer the phone

  • Your social grid

  • Your Insta post or Tweet

  • Your email signature

Your brand should create good will, recognition and ultimately give your consumers ‘the feels’. It’s what people say about you when you’re not in the room (good or bad!) A brand is for life!

It’s the lifeblood of your business or organisation - it’s there for the long term and should be an element of every part of your business. Brand FIRST! brand always!

MARKETING is often the PUSH. 

That is, pushing potential clients to your door through something in your marketing offering. 

Examples of MARKETING

  • Flyers or brochures

  • Radio or TV ad

  • Paid social or PPC

  • Postcards offering discounts

  • Email offers

Your marketing should have a ‘Call-to-Action’ (CTA) - or at least something that moves consumers towards a sale.  Think prompts to get the consumer to act  e.g. ‘To get your Free gift call this number now!’ Remember, Marketing is transitory - it shifts, tweaks and changes across different campaigns. You could have a thousand different marketing campaigns during the life of your brand. And of course, marketing comes after brand.

We hope this quick read gives you some insight - feel free to drop me a line at rich@trawlerand.co.uk if you want to discuss any further!


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Samsara Brand Film